Magento 2.X: Edit Terms & Condition text on checkout page
In the age of GDPR and ever evolving privacy laws, it is always safe to inform your customers of all your terms & conditions, privacy policies and any other information that might affect the
customer directly. It becomes even more important on the page where customers provide all their personal and financial data and submit their order, ie. checkout page.
Fortunately, Magento has an in-built and easy-to-use feature using which you can use to display your terms & conditions text on checkout page and make customers accept them before placing an order on your webshop.
To Enable Terms and Conditions on checkout page in Magento 2, go to Magento backend > Stores > System > Settings > Configurations > Sales > Checkout > Checkout options > Enable Terms and Conditions = Yes > Save
Now that you have enabled the feature, you also need to add appropriate terms & conditions text that shows up on checkout page.
To do that you need to go to Magento backend > Stores > System > Settings > Terms & conditions
Once on this page, you need to click on 'Add New Condition' button. This will open a section where you can configure and add your terms & conditions.
Each option or field in this page serves a purpose and you need to use/populate them correctly.
Condition Name: Value you enter here will not show up on frontend, so give it some name that is meaningful to you.
Status: You can use this to enable or disable it
Show Content as: There are 2 options available here:
1. Text: If you select this option, the text in T&C pop-up will be displayed as unformatted text.
2. HTML: This option gives you the ability to enter T&C text as HTML, which means you can control the format, layout and styling of the content on checkout page. It will all depend on the HTML you add here.
Store View: From here you can select which store view should display this specific T&C. This allows you to add different T&C text for different store views.
Checkbox Text: In this text field, you can enter the text line that will show up on checkout page with link to the Terms & condition pop-up. You can enter something similar to: I understand and accept the terms and conditions
Content: In this text area, you can enter the full text of your terms and conditions. Have this T&C text checked and approved by your lawyer.
Content Height (css): This is an optional field. You can leave it empty if you wish. If you want, you can use it to manage the content height (in pixels). The numeric value you enter here controls the height of the text box that is
displayed on checkout page with your T&C text.
Once you are done with all selections and have entered correct content, you can save the condition by using 'Save Condition' button.
After this, you should have a Terms & Conditons link and pop-up on your checkout page.