The Automatic Customer Group Switch extension allows you to handle switching customer groups automatically
based on the order total history of the customers on your Magento store. This will allow you to apply Magento features such as discounts, product prices, and tax classes to the customer groups based on the total amounts spent on your store. The
customer groups set by this extension are also compatible with third party extensions that offer more functionalities based on Magento customer groups.
For instance, you can offer incentives to your customers to purchase more from your store by
using promotion rules to offer discounts to new customers and customers with preset levels of amounts spent on your store.
Features Included
- Switch customers to groups automatically based on the
total amount purchased.
- Switch customers to a higher amount group on invoicing.
- Switch customers to a lower amount group on credit memo / returns.
- Notify customers when switched to a
different group.
- Custom email templates for both higher and lower group switch,
- Notify adminstrator(s).
- Magento CE 1.4.x - 1.9.x
- EE -
1. Store Backup.- Go to System > Tools > Backups.
- Backup your magento files by clicking on the button System
- Backup your database by clicking on the button Database Backup.
2. Log out of Admin. |
3. Unpack the extension file downloaded from our site and upload the contents of the file to the root directory of your magento installation. |
4. Log back in to Admin. |
5. Clear Cache: Go to System > Cache Management. Click on the Flush Cache button to clear all cache. |
6. If compilation is enabled, turn it off under System > Tools > Compilation.- Go to System > Tools >
- Click on the Disable button to disable compilation.
- You can switch it back on once you've installed the extension.
7. If you see a 404 error on your configuration page. Please log out of the admin and log back in. |
Go to System > Configuration > Customer Group Switch.
- Enabled: Select Yes/No to Enable/Disable the extension respectively. This can be done at a store view level. This is particularly helpful when you have a mutli store setup and want the module to
be enabled only on a few stores and disabled on the rest of the stores.
- Switch Condition(s): This is grid form where you add conditions for switching the customer group based on the total amount purchased by the customer.
Click on the button Add Condition to add a row to the grid. In the newly added row, select the Customer Group for which this condition will be applied and under the Total Amount column enter the minimum amount that the
customer should purchase to be switched to this group.
- Switch Customers Up: Select Yes if you want to allow the customers to be switched to a higher amount group upon invoicing. Selecting No will lead to
customers being in the same group even after crossing the minimum order amount specified for the group in Switch Condition(s).
- Switch Customers Up: Select Yes if you want to allow the customers to be
switched to a lower amount group upon credit memo / returns. Selecting No will lead to customers being in the same group even after returning the order and having the total purchased amount in the lower amount group specified in
Switch Condition(s).
- Email Sender: Select the email sender from list of email senders available in magento. If you haven't configured the email senders, go to System > Configuration > Store > Store
Email Addresses and specify the contact name and email address for each of the contacts you want to use in your store.
- Send Switch Up Email: Select Yes to send and email to the customer when the customer is switched
to a group with a higher purchase amount (on invoice). Select No otherwise.
- Switch Up Email Template: Select the email template you want to use to send Switch Up Email to the customer. A default
email comes with our extension package. You can also override the email by creating a transactional email of your own by going to System > Transactional Emails, creating your own email template by selecting the Switch Up Email
Template in the dropdown under Load default template fieldset. Once you've saved the new transaction email go back to System > Configuration > Customer Group Switch. Select the new template for the field
Switch Up Email Template.
- Send Switch Down Email: Select Yes to send and email to the customer when the customer is switched to a group with a lower purchase amount (on credit memo). Select
No otherwise.
- Switch Down Email Template: Select the email template you want to use to send Switch Up Email to the customer. You can override the default template by following the steps mentioned in
Switch Up Email Template except that select Switch Down Email Template in the dropdown under Load default template fieldset.
- Notify Admin: Select Yes if you want to
notify the admin upon switching to a higher or lower group according to the above configuration.
- Admin Email(s): Enter admin email(s) separated by a comma(,). Example:,,...
- Free updates for 1
- Free support for 1 year. If you have any issues with the extension purchased please contact us using the contact form or by using the live chat.
- Meets
magento standard development practices. No core files will be over written.
- 100% open source.