The Custom Order Number extension allows you to decide how magento generates order numbers for all the order related
documents in your store. You will be able to set prefixes and starting numbers for all your magento order related documents such as orders, invoices, credit memos and shipments. This guide provides instructions for the installation and configuration
of the extension.
Features Included
- Set a starting number for the order documents.
- Configure the extension at store level to give each store a unique numbering system.
- Use static prefixes of your
choice, or preset prefixes that come with this extension such as day, month, year, store code, store id.
- Add static prefixes or suffixes such as ORD-, INV-,...
- Choose a custom increment number.
- Reset starting number on date
- Set a custom padding length.
- Magento CE 1.9.x
- EE
1. Store Backup.- Go to
System > Tools > Backups.
- Backup your magento files by clicking on the button System Backup.
- Backup your database by clicking on the button Database Backup.
2. Log out of Admin. |
3. Unpack the extension file downloaded from our site and upload the contents of the file to the root directory of your magento installation. |
4. Log back in to Admin. |
5. Clear Cache: Go to System > Cache Management. Click on the Flush Cache button to clear all cache. |
6. If compilation is enabled, turn it off under System > Tools > Compilation.- Go to System > Tools >
- Click on the Disable button to disable compilation.
- You can switch it back on once you've installed the extension.
7. If you see a 404 error on your configuration page. Please log out of the admin and log back in. |
Go to System > Configuration > Sales > Custom Order Number.
- Enable: Select Yes/No to Enable/Disable the extension respectively. This can be done at a store view level. This is particularly helpful when you have a mutli store setup and want the module to
be enabled only on a few stores and disabled on the rest of the stores.
Order Number
- Number Format: Set the format of the document number which can have a prefix or a suffix along with available variables. Following are the available
- {m} - Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros. 1 through 12.
- {mm} - Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros. 01 through
- {d} - Day of the month without leading zeros. 1 to 31
- {dd} - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros. 01 to 31.
- {yy} - A
two digit representation of a year. Examples: 99 or 03.
- {yyyy} - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits. Examples: 1999 or
- {store} - Magento store code. Example: default, english,..
- {store_id} - Magento store id.
- {counter} - A variable that increase by the value specified
against Counter Increment by.
- Start Counter From: The starting number for the counter variable.
- Counter increment by: Will increment the counter for every
- Counter Length: The length of the counter including padded '0's'.
- Seperate counter: You can choose to have a seperate counter per website or storeview.
- Reset counter
on date change: When the date variable changes according to the selected value, the counter is reset to 'Start Counter From' value.
- Reset counter now: Always select this when you want to reset the number. If
the value of this field is 'Yes' while saving, the counter will be reset to 'Start counter from' value.
Invoice Number
- Use Order Number: Select Yes to use the order number settings. On selecting Yes, you will only have to fill in the Number Format and
Separate Counter.
- For all the other field follow the instructions specified under Order Number Settings above.
Shipment Number
- Use Order Number: Select Yes to use the order number settings. On selecting Yes, you will only have to fill in the Number Format and
Separate Counter.
- For all the other field follow the instructions specified under Order Number Settings above.
Creditmemo Number
- Use Order Number: Select Yes to use the order number settings. On selecting Yes, you will only have to fill in the Number Format and
Separate Counter.
- For all the other field follow the instructions specified under Order Number Settings
Configure the Global Config first, then if necessary, the Website level config
and the Store View level. Higher level configuration overwrites the lower level configuration. If you edit a higher level configuration that has different settings at a lower level, make sure to save values for the lower levels as well.
- Free updates for 1 year.
- Free support for 1 year. If you have any issues with the extension purchased please contact us using the contact form or by using the live chat.
- Meets magento standard development practices. No core files will be over written.
- 100% open source.