The Customer Approval extension allows you to approve or reject customers from your storefront. The customers that you
reject will not be allowed to log in to their account until such a time as their account is approved. This guide provides instructions for the installation and configuration of the extension.
Features Included
- Mass approve / reject customers directly from 'Manage Customers' grid.
- Approve / Reject customers from admin customer edit page.
- Notify admin when a new customer registers on the storefront. This can be
configured from the extension configuration page.
- Multiple email recipients for admin notification.
- Email notification to the customer upon approval / rejection of the account.
- Email templates included.
- Custom email
templates for all extension related emails can be created under magento Transactional Emails. The extension can also be configured to use custom templates.
- Redirect unapproved customers to a CMS page or an external url.
- Show alert
message for unapproved customers with or without redirecting.
- Configure email sender for all emails.
- Designed to be conflict free with third party extensions developed as per magento standard practices.
- Magento CE 1.4.x - 1.9.x
- EE -
1. Store Backup.- Go to System > Tools >
- Backup your magento files by clicking on the button System Backup.
- Backup your database by clicking on the button Database Backup.
2. Log out of Admin. |
3. Unpack the extension file downloaded from our site and upload the contents of the file to the root directory of your magento installation. |
4. Log back in to Admin. |
5. Clear Cache: Go to System > Cache Management. Click on the Flush Cache button to clear all cache. |
6. If compilation is enabled, turn it off under System > Tools > Compilation.- Go to System > Tools >
- Click on the Disable button to disable compilation.
- You can switch it back on once you've installed the extension.
7. If you see a 404 error on your configuration page. Please log out of the admin and log back in. |
Go to System > Configuration > Customer > Customer Approval.
- Enabled: Select Yes/No to Enable/Disable the extension respectively. This can be done at a store view level. This is particularly helpful when you have a mutli store setup and want the module to
be enabled only on a few stores and disabled on the rest of the stores.
Email Settings
- Notify Customer when approved or rejected: Select Yes to notify customer when the customer's registration is approved or rejected. Select No otherwise.
- Email Sender: Select the email sender from list of email senders available in magento. If you haven't configured the email senders, go to System > Configuration > Store > Store Email
Addresses and specify the contact name and email address for each of the contacts you want to use in your store.
- Approved Email Template: Select the email template you want to use
to send when the customer's registration is approved. A default email comes with our extension package. You can also override the email by creating a transactional email of your own by going to System > Transactional Emails,
creating your own email template by selecting the Customer Approved Template in the dropdown under Load default template fieldset. Once you've saved the new transaction email go back to System > Configuration
> Customer > Customer Approval. Select the new template for the field Approved Email Template.
- Rejected Email Template: Select the email template you want to use to send when the
customer's registration application is rejected. You can override the default template by following the steps mentioned in Approved Email Template except that select Customer Rejected Email Template in the
dropdown under Load default template fieldset.
Redirect Settings
- Redirect Customers: Select Yes if you want the customer to be redirected to another page. Either redirect to an external page or redirect to the appropriate CMS
- Unapproved Customer Message: Enter the message you want to display when the customer's account has not been approved. Show or hide message by entering text into this field or leaving it empty
- Redirect to CMS page: Select the CMS page you want the customer to be redirected to, when the customer's application is not approved.
- Custom Redirect URL: Enter the URL you want the
customer to be redirect tom when the customer;s registration application is not approved. Custom Redirect URL
Admin Notification
- Notify Admin after account creation: Select Yes if you want to notify the admin upon registration. Select No otherwise.
- Email Sender: Select the email
sender from list of email senders available in magento. To configure please check Email Sender under Email Settings
explained above.
- Email Template: Select the email template you want to use to send to the admin when a customer registers on the site. You can override the default template by following the steps
mentioned in Approved Email Template except that select Account registration admin notification in the
dropdown under Load default template fieldset.
- Recipients: Enter admin email(s) separated by a comma(,). Example:,,...
Approve / Reject Customers
This is the area where you approve or reject the
customer's application. To approve / reject customers go to Customer > Manage Customers.
- Click on a row corresponding to the customer to
go to the customer edit page.
- On the customer edit page, click on Approve button to Approve customer and Reject button to
Reject customer.
- To Approve / Reject customers in batch, go to Customer > Manage
- Select the checkboxes on each row corresponding to the customers you want to approve/reject.
- On the top right corner of the grid, select Approve / Reject against Actions and click on the Submit
button to Approve / Reject the selected customers respectively.
- Free updates for 1 year.
- Free
support for 1 year. If you have any issues with the extension purchased please contact us using the contact form or by using the live chat.
- Meets magento standard development
practices. No core files will be over written.
- 100% open source.