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The Hide Product Price extension allows you to hide prices on your magento store front based on different conditions to be configured from the admin. It allows you to hide product prices per customer, customer group and category. Hiding price also hides the add to cart button and as a result not allowing the customer to add product to cart. It allows you to set a custom message to be shown when the product is hidden. The message can be a plain text message or can be converted to a link by specifying a external link URL or internal magento URL path. This way, the extension provides you with complete control over who can view price of certain products in their store, encourage customers to register, organize private sales etc.

Features Included

  • Hide prices when user is not logged in.
  • Hide prices when customer does not belong to allowed customer groups.
  • Hide prices on certain specified categories.
  • Enable / Disable the extension per store view.
  • Hide prices only on certain products by disabling the hide feature on those products. This can also be done in a batch.
  • Configure to hide Wishlist button when price is hidden.
  • Configure to hide Compare button when price is hidden.
  • Choose whether to display message as plain text or button link or text link.


Compatible with Magento 2.0.0 - 2.2.0 CE and EE.


Web Setup Wizard

  • Unpack extension files:
    • Log in to our website.
    • Download the Base Extension.
    • Unpack the Base extension file downloaded from our site and upload the contents of the file to the root directory of your magento installation.
    • Unpack the purchased extension file downloaded from our site and upload the contents of the file to the root directory of your magento installation.
  • Go to System > Web Setup Wizard.
  • Select component manager to install the extension.
  • Enable Modules:
    • Click on Select link on the Base Extension row(Module Name: HS_All). Click the Enable button on the menu that pops up.
    • Next, click on the Select link on the row corresponding to the extension you downloaded (Module Name: HS_HideProductPrice).


NOTE: You can also disable the modules using this wizard.

  • Disable Modules:
    • Click on the Select link on the row corresponding to the extension you wish to disable (Module Name: HS_HideProductPrice).
    • Follow the below steps to disable the extension.
  • Step 1: Readiness Check
    • Click on the button Start Readiness Check to check you are running Magento on a compatible environment.
    • Click Next upon completion of previous step.
  • Step 2: Create Backup
    • Create a backup before you install the extension, by selecting the checkboxes against the Backup Options and clicking the button Create Backup.
    • Click Next, upon completion.
  • Step 3: Enable Module
    • Click on the button Enable.
  • You will see this page as your module installation is in progress. You can check for errors in the Console Log.
  • Module installation complete.



Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Hungersoft Extensions > Hide Product Price.


  • Enabled: Select Yes/No to enable/disable the extension. The extension can be enabled/disabled on a per store basis.
  • Text to display: Enter the text you want to be displayed when the price is hidden from the customer.
  • Link: Select whether you want the Text to display to be shown as a link or plain text. Following are the available options:
  • Custom - Link URL field will be displayed where you can enter the url or url path in your Magento store.
    • Link URL: If you want the text you entered in Text to display to be a hyperlink, add the page URL you want the text to be linked to.
  • Show as button: Select Yes to display the link as a button, No otherwise.
  • Display by Customer Group: Select Yes to display prices only to selected customer groups.
  • Customer Groups: If you have selected Yes against Display by Customer Group, select the customer groups you want to show the price to.
  • Display by Category: Select Yes to display prices only to selected categories.
  • Categories: If you have selected Yes against Display by Category, select the categories you want to display prices in.


  • Hide Wishlist: Select Yes to hide wishlist button when the price is hidden.
  • Hide Compare: Select Yes to hide compare button when the price is hidden.

Redirect customers to previous page on logging in

To Redirect to previous page after login:

  • Go to Stores > Configuration > Customer Configuration.
  • Under Login Options, select No against Redirect Customer to Account Dashboard after Logging in.

Optional Modifications

If you have third party themes or extensions that display prices in their templates, you can do the following changes to them to hide product prices and add to cart buttons:

  • To Hide Price:

Wrap your price block code in between the below 2 lines of code.

<!--hs_hpp-blank-<?php echo (int) $this->helper('HS\HideProductPrice\Helper\Data')->isDisableHidePricePerProduct($_product) ?>-->



  • To Hide Add to Cart Button:

Wrap your add to cart block code in between the below 2 lines of code.

<!--hs_hpp-blank-<?php echo (int) $this->helper('HS\HideProductPrice\Helper\Data')->isDisableHidePricePerProduct($_product) ?>-->



  • To Hide Wishlist Button:

Wrap your add to wishlist block code in between the below 2 lines of code.

<!--hs_hpp-blank-<?php echo (int) $this->helper('HS\HideProductPrice\Helper\Data')->isDisableHidePricePerProduct($_product) ?>-<?php echo (int) $this->helper('HS\HideProductPrice\Helper\Data')->isHideWishlist() ?>-->



  • To Hide Compare Button:

Wrap your add to compare block code in between the below 2 lines of code.

<!--hs_hpp-blank-<?php echo (int) $this->helper('HS\HideProductPrice\Helper\Data')->isDisableHidePricePerProduct($_product) ?>-<?php echo (int) $this->helper('HS\HideProductPrice\Helper\Data')->isHideCompare() ?>-->




If this extension overrides any third party themes or extension templates, you can follow the steps below to add your theme or extension changes to this extension's templates:

  • Go to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer, under the section Debug, select Yes against .
  • Enable the extension.
  • Go to the frontend page whose template file is being overriden by this extension. Check which template of the following extension is being used: Overriding Template.
  • Disable the extension
  • Check on the same frontend page which template of the following extension is being used when the extension is disabled: Source Template.
  • Copy Overriding Template file to app/design/frontend/{Theme Vendor}/{Theme Name}/HS_HideProductPrice/templates/{path to the destination template file relative to templates directory} - Destination Template.
  • Now copy contents of the Source Template to the Destination Template.
  • Follow the steps mentioned under Optional Modifications to Hide Price, Add to cart button, Wishlist and Compare button.

Read More


  • Free updates for 1 year.
  • Free support for 1 year. If you have any issues with the extension purchased please contact us using the contact form or by using the live chat.
  • Meets magento standard development practices. No core files will be over written.
  • 100% open source.


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