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The One Step Checkout extension allows you to convert the existing one page checkout in your Magento store with multiple steps into a single step checkout. This extension converts the default checkout layout rather than having a separate checkout extension built from scratch. The advantage of having this extension is that: most of the third party features developed for default checkout in Magento 2 will work perfectly well with our One Step Checkout extension. It also preserves the default checkout URL key instead of having a new checkout page with a URL key that is different from the Magento's checkout URL key. The layout of the checkout page can be configured using the available options from the admin configuration page for the extension. With a responsive layout the One Step Checkout extension provides a complete package with all the default Magento checkout features and additional One Step Checkout features to attract more customers and improve conversion. You can also configure the order in which the standard address fields appear on the frontend. It also comes with google address suggest which makes filling address fields simpler. Along with address suggest comes geolocation which provides more relevant address suggestions based on the customer's current location, and autofill which automatically fills the address of the customer based on their location. This extension also allows your customers to edit quantity right from the checkout page, and calculates totals without having to leave or reload the checkout page.
Features Included
- Convert Magento's one page checkout to a single step.
- Uses Magento 2 standard checkout logic to increase the compatibility with most third party checkout related extensions.
- Mutliple layout options to choose from the admin.
- Responsive design and layout.
- Compatible with payment and shipping methods that work with standard Magento 2 checkout.
- Integrated Google Address Suggest to search and fill address with ease.
- Choose whether to enable geolocation to get the most relevant address search results based on the customer's current location.
- Choose to autofill address based on the customer's current location.
- Choose whether to show the Place Order button in the payment method section or after the cart summary.
- Choose whether to redirect the customers directly to checkout on adding a product to cart.
- Choose the order in which the address fields appear on the frontend.
- Allow customers to enter delivery date and time. Choose date and time with ease using the calendar.
- Allow customers to write comments about the order.
- Allow customers to subscribe to the newsletter from the checkout page.
- Add additional fields info in your order email.
- Edit quantity of any item on the checkout page.
- Display optional shipping instructions in shipping method section.
- Display optional payment instructions in payment method section.
- Know more about how your customer visitied the website with a configurable survey. The admin can write the question and provide options for the customer to choose from.
- Allow customers to gift wrap their order for a fee. The fee can be configured in the admin and can be applied per item or per order.
- Compatible with the inbuilt Magento terms and conditions feature.
- Easy to install and use.
Compatible with Magento 2.0.0 - 2.1.0 CE and EE.
Web Setup Wizard
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Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Hungersoft Extensions > One Step Checkout.
Additional Fields
Google Address Autocomplete
Gift Wrap
Field Management
Additional Information
- To display additional information fields (order
comment, delivery date and survey) in the order email, you will have to create a custom order email template and add the snippet below:
<td class="additional-info">
<h3>{{trans "Additional Information"}}</h3>
{{depend order.getHsOscDeliveryDateFormatted()}}
<p>{{trans '<strong>Delivery Date</strong> %delivery_date' delivery_date=$order.getHsOscDeliveryDateFormatted() |raw}}</p>
{{depend order.getHsOscSurveyAnswer()}}
<p>{{trans '<strong>%question</strong> %answer' question=$order.getHsOscSurveyQuestion() answer=$order.getHsOscSurveyAnswer() |raw}}</p>
{{depend order.getHsOscComment()}}
<p>{{trans "<strong>Comment</strong> %comment" comment=$order.getHsOscComment()|raw}}</p>
To learn more about how to create a custom email template, check out Customize email templates using the admin - Magento 2 - {{depend [attribute]}} ... {{/depend}} displays the information only when there is a value set for the attribute.
- Additional information fields have been added to the order object. You can display the fields in
the email by calling the getter on the order object as follows:
- Delivery Date: $order.getHsOscDeliveryDateFormatted()
- Survey Question: $order.getHsOscSurveyQuestion()
- Survey Answer: $order.getHsOscSurveyAnswer()
- Order Comment: $order.getHsOscComment()
- The order attributes can be displayed using the translation
function as follows:
{{trans "Text to be displayed %variable_name" %variable_name=$order.get{Attribute}()}}
Read More
- Free updates for 1 year.
- Free support for 1 year. If you have any issues with the extension purchased please contact us using the contact form or by using the live chat.
- Meets magento standard development practices. No core files will be over written.
- 100% open source.